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- From: jloup@chorus.fr (Jean-loup Gailly)
- Newsgroups: comp.compression,news.answers
- Subject: comp.compression Frequently Asked Questions (part 2/2)
- Keywords: data compression, FAQ
- Message-ID: <compr2_29oct92@chorus.fr>
- Date: 30 Oct 92 13:11:19 GMT
- Expires: 10 Dec 92 16:17:20 GMT
- References: <compr1_29oct92@chorus.fr>
- Sender: news@chorus.chorus.fr
- Reply-To: jloup@chorus.fr
- Followup-To: comp.compression
- Lines: 800
- Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
- Supersedes: <compr2_2oct92@chorus.fr>
- Archive-name: compression-faq/part2
- Last-modified: Oct 2nd, 1992
- This file is part 2 of a set of Frequently Asked Questions for the
- groups comp.compression and comp.compression.research.
- If you don't want to see this FAQ regularly, please add the subject
- line to your kill file. If you have corrections or suggestions for
- this FAQ, send them to Jean-loup Gailly <jloup@chorus.fr>. Thank you.
- Contents
- ========
- (Long) introductions to data compression techniques
- [70] Introduction to data compression (long)
- Huffman and Related Compression Techniques
- Arithmetic Coding
- Substitutional Compressors
- The LZ78 family of compressors
- The LZ77 family of compressors
- [71] Introduction to MPEG (long)
- What is MPEG?
- Does it have anything to do with JPEG?
- Then what's JBIG and MHEG?
- What has MPEG accomplished?
- So how does MPEG I work?
- What about the audio compression?
- So how much does it compress?
- What's phase II?
- When will all this be finished?
- How do I join MPEG?
- How do I get the documents, like the MPEG I draft?
- [72] What is wavelet theory?
- [73] What is the theoretical compression limit?
- [74] Introduction to JBIG
- [99] Acknowledgments
- Search for "Subject: [#]" to get to question number # quickly. Some news
- readers can also take advantage of the message digest format used here.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: [70] Introduction to data compression (long)
- Written by Peter Gutmann <pgut1@cs.aukuni.ac.nz>.
- Huffman and Related Compression Techniques
- ------------------------------------------
- *Huffman compression* is a statistical data compression technique which
- gives a reduction in the average code length used to represent the symbols of
- a alphabet. The Huffman code is an example of a code which is optimal in the
- case where all symbols probabilities are integral powers of 1/2. A Huffman
- code can be built in the following manner:
- (1) Rank all symbols in order of probability of occurrence.
- (2) Successively combine the two symbols of the lowest probability to form
- a new composite symbol; eventually we will build a binary tree where
- each node is the probability of all nodes beneath it.
- (3) Trace a path to each leaf, noticing the direction at each node.
- For a given frequency distribution, there are many possible Huffman codes,
- but the total compressed length will be the same. It is possible to
- define a 'canonical' Huffman tree, that is, pick one of these alternative
- trees. Such a canonical tree can then be represented very compactly, by
- transmitting only the bit length of each code. This technique is used
- in most archivers (pkzip, lha, zoo, arj, ...).
- A technique related to Huffman coding is *Shannon-Fano coding*, which was
- suggested by Shannon and Weaver in 1949 and modified by Fano in 1961. It
- works as follows:
- (1) Divide the set of symbols into two equal or almost equal subsets
- based on the probability of occurrence of characters in each
- subset. The first subset is assigned a binary zero, the second
- a binary one.
- (2) Repeat step (1) until all subsets have a single element.
- The algorithm used to create the Huffman codes is bottom-up, and the
- one for the Shannon-Fano codes is top-down. Huffman encoding always
- generates optimal codes, Shannon-Fano sometimes uses a few more bits.
- Arithmetic Coding
- -----------------
- It would appear that Huffman or Shannon-Fano coding is the perfect
- means of compressing data. However, this is *not* the case. As
- mentioned above, these coding methods are optimal when and only when
- the symbol probabilities are integral powers of 1/2, which is usually
- not the case.
- The technique of *arithmetic coding* does not have this restriction:
- It achieves the same effect as treating the message as one single unit
- (a technique which would, for Huffman coding, require enumeration of
- every single possible message), and thus attains the theoretical
- entropy bound to compression efficiency for any source.
- Arithmetic coding works by representing a number by an interval of real
- numbers between 0 and 1. As the message becomes longer, the interval needed
- to represent it becomes smaller and smaller, and the number of bits needed to
- specify that interval increases. Successive symbols in the message reduce
- this interval in accordance with the probability of that symbol. The more
- likely symbols reduce the range by less, and thus add fewer bits to the
- message.
- 1 Codewords
- +-----------+-----------+-----------+ /-----\
- | |8/9 YY | Detail |<- 31/32 .11111
- | +-----------+-----------+<- 15/16 .1111
- | Y | | too small |<- 14/16 .1110
- |2/3 | YX | for text |<- 6/8 .110
- +-----------+-----------+-----------+
- | | |16/27 XYY |<- 10/16 .1010
- | | +-----------+
- | | XY | |
- | | | XYX |<- 4/8 .100
- | |4/9 | |
- | +-----------+-----------+
- | | | |
- | X | | XXY |<- 3/8 .011
- | | |8/27 |
- | | +-----------+
- | | XX | |
- | | | |<- 1/4 .01
- | | | XXX |
- | | | |
- |0 | | |
- +-----------+-----------+-----------+
- As an example of arithmetic coding, lets consider the example of two
- symbols X and Y, of probabilities 0.66 and 0.33. To encode this message, we
- examine the first symbol: If it is a X, we choose the lower partition; if
- it is a Y, we choose the upper partition. Continuing in this manner for
- three symbols, we get the codewords shown to the right of the diagram above
- - they can be found by simply taking an appropriate location in the
- interval for that particular set of symbols and turning it into a binary
- fraction. In practice, it is also necessary to add a special end-of-data
- symbol, which is not represented in this simpe example.
- In this case the arithmetic code is not completely efficient, which is due
- to the shortness of the message - with longer messages the coding efficiency
- does indeed approach 100%.
- Now that we have an efficient encoding technique, what can we do with it?
- What we need is a technique for building a model of the data which we can
- then use with the encoder. The simplest model is a fixed one, for example a
- table of standard letter frequencies for English text which we can then use
- to get letter probabilities. An improvement on this technique is to use an
- *adaptive model*, in other words a model which adjusts itself to the data
- which is being compressed as the data is compressed. We can convert the
- fixed model into an adaptive one by adjusting the symbol frequencies after
- each new symbol is encoded, allowing the model to track the data being
- transmitted. However, we can do much better than that.
- Using the symbol probabilities by themselves is not a particularly good
- estimate of the true entropy of the data: We can take into account
- intersymbol probabilities as well. The best compressors available today
- take this approach: DMC (Dynamic Markov Coding) starts with a zero-order
- Markov model and gradually extends this initial model as compression
- progresses; PPM (Prediction by Partial Matching) looks for a match of the
- text to be compressed in an order-n context. If no match is found, it
- drops to an order n-1 context, until it reaches order 0. Both these
- techniques thus obtain a much better model of the data to be compressed,
- which, combined with the use of arithmetic coding, results in superior
- compression performance.
- So if arithmetic coding-based compressors are so powerful, why are they not
- used universally? Apart from the fact that they are relatively new and
- haven't come into general use too much yet, there is also one major concern:
- The fact that they consume rather large amounts of computing resources, both
- in terms of CPU power and memory. The building of sophisticated models for
- the compression can chew through a fair amount of memory (especially in the
- case of DMC, where the model can grow without bounds); and the arithmetic
- coding itself involves a fair amount of number crunching.
- There is however an alternative approach, a class of compressors generally
- referred to as *substitutional* or *dictionary-based compressors*.
- Substitutional Compressors
- --------------------------
- The basic idea behind a substitutional compressor is to replace an
- occurrence of a particular phrase or group of bytes in a piece of data with a
- reference to a previous occurrence of that phrase. There are two main
- classes of schemes, named after Jakob Ziv and Abraham Lempel, who first
- proposed them in 1977 and 1978.
- <The LZ78 family of compressors>
- LZ78-based schemes work by entering phrases into a *dictionary* and then,
- when a repeat occurrence of that particular phrase is found, outputting the
- dictionary index instead of the phrase. There exist several compression
- algorithms based on this principle, differing mainly in the manner in which
- they manage the dictionary. The most well-known scheme (in fact the most
- well-known of all the Lempel-Ziv compressors, the one which is generally (and
- mistakenly) referred to as "Lempel-Ziv Compression"), is Terry Welch's LZW
- scheme, which he designed in 1984 for implementation in hardware for high-
- performance disk controllers.
- Input string: /WED/WE/WEE/WEB
- Character input: Code output: New code value and associated string:
- /W / 256 = /W
- E W 257 = WE
- D E 258 = ED
- / D 259 = D/
- WE 256 260 = /WE
- / E 261 = E/
- WEE 260 262 = /WEE
- /W 261 263 = E/W
- EB 257 264 = WEB
- <END> B
- LZW starts with a 4K dictionary, of which entries 0-255 refer to individual
- bytes, and entries 256-4095 refer to substrings. Each time a new code is
- generated it means a new string has been parsed. New strings are generated
- by appending the current character K to the end of an existing string w. The
- algorithm for LZW compression is as follows:
- set w = NIL
- loop
- read a character K
- if wK exists is in the dictionary
- w = wK
- else
- output the code for w
- add wK to the string table
- w = K
- endloop
- A sample run of LZW over a (highly redundant) input string can be seen in
- the diagram above. The strings are built up character-by-character starting
- with a code value of 256. LZW decompression takes the stream of codes and
- uses it to exactly recreate the original input data. Just like the
- compression algorithm, the decompressor adds a new string to the dictionary
- each time it reads in a new code. All it needs to do in addition is to
- translate each incoming code into a string and send it to the output. A
- sample run of the LZW decompressor is shown in below.
- Input code: /WED<256>E<260><261><257>B
- Input code: Output string: New code value and associated string:
- / /
- W W 256 = /W
- E E 257 = WE
- D D 258 = ED
- 256 /W 259 = D/
- E E 260 = /WE
- 260 /WE 261 = E/
- 261 E/ 262 = /WEE
- 257 WE 263 = E/W
- B B 264 = WEB
- The most remarkable feature of this type of compression is that the entire
- dictionary has been transmitted to the decoder without actually explicitly
- transmitting the dictionary. At the end of the run, the decoder will have a
- dictionary identical to the one the encoder has, built up entirely as part of
- the decoding process.
- LZW is more commonly encountered today in a variant known as LZC, after
- its use in the UNIX "compress" program. In this variant, pointers do not
- have a fixed length. Rather, they start with a length of 9 bits, and then
- slowly grow to their maximum possible length once all the pointers of a
- particular size have been used up. Furthermore, the dictionary is not frozen
- once it is full as for LZW - the program continually monitors compression
- performance, and once this starts decreasing the entire dictionary is
- discarded and rebuilt from scratch. More recent schemes use some sort of
- least-recently-used algorithm to discard little-used phrases once the
- dictionary becomes full rather than throwing away the entire dictionary.
- Finally, not all schemes build up the dictionary by adding a single new
- character to the end of the current phrase. An alternative technique is to
- concatenate the previous two phrases (LZMW), which results in a faster
- buildup of longer phrases than the character-by-character buildup of the
- other methods. The disadvantage of this method is that a more sophisticated
- data structure is needed to handle the dictionary.
- [A good introduction to LZW, MW, AP and Y coding is given in the yabba
- package. For ftp information, see question 2 in part one, file type .Y]
- <The LZ77 family of compressors>
- LZ77-based schemes keep track of the last n bytes of data seen, and when a
- phrase is encountered that has already been seen, they output a pair of
- values corresponding to the position of the phrase in the previously-seen
- buffer of data, and the length of the phrase. In effect the compressor moves
- a fixed-size *window* over the data (generally referred to as a *sliding
- window*), with the position part of the (position, length) pair referring to
- the position of the phrase within the window. The most commonly used
- algorithms are derived from the LZSS scheme described by James Storer and
- Thomas Szymanski in 1982. In this the compressor maintains a window of size
- N bytes and a *lookahead buffer* the contents of which it tries to find a
- match for in the window:
- while( lookAheadBuffer not empty )
- {
- get a pointer ( position, match ) to the longest match in the window
- for the lookahead buffer;
- if( length > MINIMUM_MATCH_LENGTH )
- {
- output a ( position, length ) pair;
- shift the window length characters along;
- }
- else
- {
- output the first character in the lookahead buffer;
- shift the window 1 character along;
- }
- }
- Decompression is simple and fast: Whenever a ( position, length ) pair is
- encountered, go to that ( position ) in the window and copy ( length ) bytes
- to the output.
- Sliding-window-based schemes can be simplified by numbering the input text
- characters mod N, in effect creating a circular buffer. The sliding window
- approach automatically creates the LRU effect which must be done explicitly in
- LZ78 schemes. Variants of this method apply additional compression to the
- output of the LZSS compressor, which include a simple variable-length code
- (LZB), dynamic Huffman coding (LZH), and Shannon-Fano coding (ZIP 1.x)), all
- of which result in a certain degree of improvement over the basic scheme,
- especially when the data are rather random and the LZSS compressor has little
- effect.
- Recently an algorithm was developed which combines the ideas behind LZ77 and
- LZ78 to produce a hybrid called LZFG. LZFG uses the standard sliding window,
- but stores the data in a modified trie data structure and produces as output
- the position of the text in the trie. Since LZFG only inserts complete
- *phrases* into the dictionary, it should run faster than other LZ77-based
- compressors.
- All popular archivers (arj, lha, zip, zoo) are variations on the LZ77 theme.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: [71] Introduction to MPEG (long)
- Written by Mark Adler <madler@cco.caltech.edu>.
- Q. What is MPEG?
- A. MPEG is a group of people that meet under ISO (the International
- Standards Organization) to generate standards for digital video
- (sequences of images in time) and audio compression. In particular,
- they define a compressed bit stream, which implicitly defines a
- decompressor. However, the compression algorithms are up to the
- individual manufacturers, and that is where proprietary advantage
- is obtained within the scope of a publicly available international
- standard. MPEG meets roughly four times a year for roughly a week
- each time. In between meetings, a great deal of work is done by
- the members, so it doesn't all happen at the meetings. The work
- is organized and planned at the meetings.
- Q. So what does MPEG stand for?
- A. Moving Pictures Experts Group.
- Q. Does it have anything to do with JPEG?
- A. Well, it sounds the same, and they are part of the same subcommittee
- of ISO along with JBIG and MHEG, and they usually meet at the same
- place at the same time. However, they are different sets of people
- with few or no common individual members, and they have different
- charters and requirements. JPEG is for still image compression.
- Q. Then what's JBIG and MHEG?
- A. Sorry I mentioned them. Ok, I'll simply say that JBIG is for binary
- image compression (like faxes), and MHEG is for multi-media data
- standards (like integrating stills, video, audio, text, etc.).
- For an introduction to JBIG, see question 74 below.
- Q. Ok, I'll stick to MPEG. What has MPEG accomplished?
- A. So far (as of January 1992), they have completed the "Committee
- Draft" of MPEG phase I, colloquially called MPEG I. It defines
- a bit stream for compressed video and audio optimized to fit into
- a bandwidth (data rate) of 1.5 Mbits/s. This rate is special
- because it is the data rate of (uncompressed) audio CD's and DAT's.
- The draft is in three parts, video, audio, and systems, where the
- last part gives the integration of the audio and video streams
- with the proper timestamping to allow synchronization of the two.
- They have also gotten well into MPEG phase II, whose task is to
- define a bitstream for video and audio coded at around 3 to 10
- Mbits/s.
- Q. So how does MPEG I work?
- A. First off, it starts with a relatively low resolution video
- sequence (possibly decimated from the original) of about 352 by
- 240 frames by 30 frames/s (US--different numbers for Europe),
- but original high (CD) quality audio. The images are in color,
- but converted to YUV space, and the two chrominance channels
- (U and V) are decimated further to 176 by 120 pixels. It turns
- out that you can get away with a lot less resolution in those
- channels and not notice it, at least in "natural" (not computer
- generated) images.
- The basic scheme is to predict motion from frame to frame in the
- temporal direction, and then to use DCT's (discrete cosine
- transforms) to organize the redundancy in the spatial directions.
- The DCT's are done on 8x8 blocks, and the motion prediction is
- done in the luminance (Y) channel on 16x16 blocks. In other words,
- given the 16x16 block in the current frame that you are trying to
- code, you look for a close match to that block in a previous or
- future frame (there are backward prediction modes where later
- frames are sent first to allow interpolating between frames).
- The DCT coefficients (of either the actual data, or the difference
- between this block and the close match) are "quantized", which
- means that you divide them by some value to drop bits off the
- bottom end. Hopefully, many of the coefficients will then end up
- being zero. The quantization can change for every "macroblock"
- (a macroblock is 16x16 of Y and the corresponding 8x8's in both
- U and V). The results of all of this, which include the DCT
- coefficients, the motion vectors, and the quantization parameters
- (and other stuff) is Huffman coded using fixed tables. The DCT
- coefficients have a special Huffman table that is "two-dimensional"
- in that one code specifies a run-length of zeros and the non-zero
- value that ended the run. Also, the motion vectors and the DC
- DCT components are DPCM (subtracted from the last one) coded.
- Q. So is each frame predicted from the last frame?
- A. No. The scheme is a little more complicated than that. There are
- three types of coded frames. There are "I" or intra frames. They
- are simply a frame coded as a still image, not using any past
- history. You have to start somewhere. Then there are "P" or
- predicted frames. They are predicted from the most recently
- reconstructed I or P frame. (I'm describing this from the point
- of view of the decompressor.) Each macroblock in a P frame can
- either come with a vector and difference DCT coefficients for a
- close match in the last I or P, or it can just be "intra" coded
- (like in the I frames) if there was no good match.
- Lastly, there are "B" or bidirectional frames. They are predicted
- from the closest two I or P frames, one in the past and one in the
- future. You search for matching blocks in those frames, and try
- three different things to see which works best. (Now I have the
- point of view of the compressor, just to confuse you.) You try using
- the forward vector, the backward vector, and you try averaging the
- two blocks from the future and past frames, and subtracting that from
- the block being coded. If none of those work well, you can intra-
- code the block.
- The sequence of decoded frames usually goes like:
- Where there are 12 frames from I to I (for US and Japan anyway.)
- This is based on a random access requirement that you need a
- starting point at least once every 0.4 seconds or so. The ratio
- of P's to B's is based on experience.
- Of course, for the decoder to work, you have to send that first
- P *before* the first two B's, so the compressed data stream ends
- up looking like:
- 0xx312645...
- where those are frame numbers. xx might be nothing (if this is
- the true starting point), or it might be the B's of frames -2 and
- -1 if we're in the middle of the stream somewhere.
- You have to decode the I, then decode the P, keep both of those
- in memory, and then decode the two B's. You probably display the
- I while you're decoding the P, and display the B's as you're
- decoding them, and then display the P as you're decoding the next
- P, and so on.
- Q. You've got to be kidding.
- A. No, really!
- Q. Hmm. Where did they get 352x240?
- A. That derives from the CCIR-601 digital television standard which
- is used by professional digital video equipment. It is (in the US)
- 720 by 243 by 60 fields (not frames) per second, where the fields
- are interlaced when displayed. (It is important to note though
- that fields are actually acquired and displayed a 60th of a second
- apart.) The chrominance channels are 360 by 243 by 60 fields a
- second, again interlaced. This degree of chrominance decimation
- (2:1 in the horizontal direction) is called 4:2:2. The source
- input format for MPEG I, called SIF, is CCIR-601 decimated by 2:1
- in the horizontal direction, 2:1 in the time direction, and an
- additional 2:1 in the chrominance vertical direction. And some
- lines are cut off to make sure things divide by 8 or 16 where
- needed.
- Q. What if I'm in Europe?
- A. For 50 Hz display standards (PAL, SECAM) change the number of lines
- in a field from 243 or 240 to 288, and change the display rate to
- 50 fields/s or 25 frames/s. Similarly, change the 120 lines in
- the decimated chrominance channels to 144 lines. Since 288*50 is
- exactly equal to 240*60, the two formats have the same source data
- rate.
- Q. You didn't mention anything about the audio compression.
- A. Oh, right. Well, I don't know as much about the audio compression.
- Basically they use very carefully developed psychoacoustic models
- derived from experiments with the best obtainable listeners to
- pick out pieces of the sound that you can't hear. There are what
- are called "masking" effects where, for example, a large component
- at one frequency will prevent you from hearing lower energy parts
- at nearby frequencies, where the relative energy vs. frequency
- that is masked is described by some empirical curve. There are
- similar temporal masking effects, as well as some more complicated
- interactions where a temporal effect can unmask a frequency, and
- vice-versa.
- The sound is broken up into spectral chunks with a hybrid scheme
- that combines sine transforms with subband transforms, and the
- psychoacoustic model written in terms of those chunks. Whatever
- can be removed or reduced in precision is, and the remainder is
- sent. It's a little more complicated than that, since the bits
- have to be allocated across the bands. And, of course, what is
- sent is entropy coded.
- Q. So how much does it compress?
- A. As I mentioned before, audio CD data rates are about 1.5 Mbits/s.
- You can compress the same stereo program down to 256 Kbits/s with
- no loss in discernable quality. (So they say. For the most part
- it's true, but every once in a while a weird thing might happen
- that you'll notice. However the effect is very small, and it takes
- a listener trained to notice these particular types of effects.)
- That's about 6:1 compression. So, a CD MPEG I stream would have
- about 1.25 MBits/s left for video. The number I usually see though
- is 1.15 MBits/s (maybe you need the rest for the system data
- stream). You can then calculate the video compression ratio from
- the numbers here to be about 26:1. If you step back and think
- about that, it's little short of a miracle. Of course, it's lossy
- compression, but it can be pretty hard sometimes to see the loss,
- if you're comparing the SIF original to the SIF decompressed. There
- is, however, a very noticeable loss if you're coming from CCIR-601
- and have to decimate to SIF, but that's another matter. I'm not
- counting that in the 26:1.
- The standard also provides for other bit rates ranging from 32Kbits/s
- for a single channel, up to 448 Kbits/s for stereo.
- Q. What's phase II?
- A. As I said, there is a considerable loss of quality in going from
- CCIR-601 to SIF resolution. For entertainment video, it's simply
- not acceptable. You want to use more bits and code all or almost
- all the CCIR-601 data. From subjective testing at the Japan
- meeting in November 1991, it seems that 4 MBits/s can give very
- good quality compared to the original CCIR-601 material. The
- objective of phase II is to define a bit stream optimized for these
- resolutions and bit rates.
- Q. Why not just scale up what you're doing with MPEG I?
- A. The main difficulty is the interlacing. The simplest way to extend
- MPEG I to interlaced material is to put the fields together into
- frames (720x486x30/s). This results in bad motion artifacts that
- stem from the fact that moving objects are in different places
- in the two fields, and so don't line up in the frames. Compressing
- and decompressing without taking that into account somehow tends to
- muddle the objects in the two different fields.
- The other thing you might try is to code the even and odd field
- streams separately. This avoids the motion artifacts, but as you
- might imagine, doesn't get very good compression since you are not
- using the redundancy between the even and odd fields where there
- is not much motion (which is typically most of image).
- Or you can code it as a single stream of fields. Or you can
- interpolate lines. Or, etc. etc. There are many things you can
- try, and the point of MPEG II is to figure out what works well.
- MPEG II is not limited to consider only derivations of MPEG I.
- There were several non-MPEG I-like schemes in the competition in
- November, and some aspects of those algorithms may or may not
- make it into the final standard for entertainment video compression.
- Q. So what works?
- A. Basically, derivations of MPEG I worked quite well, with one that
- used wavelet subband coding instead of DCT's that also worked very
- well. Also among the worked-very-well's was a scheme that did not
- use B frames at all, just I and P's. All of them, except maybe one,
- did some sort of adaptive frame/field coding, where a decision is
- made on a macroblock basis as to whether to code that one as one
- frame macroblock or as two field macroblocks. Some other aspects
- are how to code I-frames--some suggest predicting the even field
- from the odd field. Or you can predict evens from evens and odds
- or odds from evens and odds or any field from any other field, etc.
- Q. So what works?
- A. Ok, we're not really sure what works best yet. The next step is
- to define a "test model" to start from, that incorporates most of
- the salient features of the worked-very-well proposals in a
- simple way. Then experiments will be done on that test model,
- making a mod at a time, and seeing what makes it better and what
- makes it worse. Example experiments are, B's or no B's, DCT vs.
- wavelets, various field prediction modes, etc. The requirements,
- such as implementation cost, quality, random access, etc. will all
- feed into this process as well.
- Q. When will all this be finished?
- A. I don't know. I'd have to hope in about a year or less.
- Q. How do I join MPEG?
- A. You don't join MPEG. You have to participate in ISO as part of a
- national delegation. How you get to be part of the national
- delegation is up to each nation. I only know the U.S., where you
- have to attend the corresponding ANSI meetings to be able to
- attend the ISO meetings. Your company or institution has to be
- willing to sink some bucks into travel since, naturally, these
- meetings are held all over the world. (For example, Paris,
- Santa Clara, Kurihama Japan, Singapore, Haifa Israel, Rio de
- Janeiro, London, etc.)
- Q. Well, then how do I get the documents, like the MPEG I draft?
- A. MPEG is a draft ISO standard. It's exact name is ISO CD 11172.
- The draft consists of three parts: System, Video, and Audio. The
- System part (11172-1) deals with synchronization and multiplexing
- of audio-visual information, while the Video (11172-2) and Audio
- part (11172-3) address the video and the audio compression techniques
- respectively.
- You may order it from your national standards body (e.g. ANSI in
- the USA) or buy it from companies like
- phone +44 438 742424
- FAX +44 438 740154
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: [72] What is wavelet theory?
- Preprints and software are available by anonymous ftp from the
- Yale Mathematics Department computer ceres.math.yale.edu[],
- in pub/wavelets and pub/software.
- epic is a pyramid wavelet coder. (For source code, see item 15 in part one).
- Bill Press of Harvard/CfA has made some things available for anonymous
- ftp on cfata4.harvard.edu [] in directory /pub. There is
- a short TeX article on wavelet theory (wavelet.tex, to be included in
- a future edition of Numerical Recipes), some sample wavelet code
- (wavelet.f, in FORTRAN - sigh), and a beta version of an astronomical
- image compression program which he is currently developing (FITS
- format data files only, in fitspress08.tar.Z).
- An experimental wavelet decomposition program is available
- in linc.cis.upenn.edu:/pub/grasp/wavelet.tar.Z.
- A mailing list dedicated to research on wavelets has been set up at the
- University of South Carolina. To subscribe to this mailing list, send a
- message with "subscribe" as the subject to wavelet@math.scarolina.edu.
- A 5 minute course in wavelet transforms, by Richard Kirk <rak@crosfield.co.uk>:
- Do you know what a Haar transform is? Its a transform to another orthonormal
- space (like the DFT), but the basis functions are a set of square wave bursts
- like this...
- +--+ +------+
- + | +------------------ + | +--------------
- +--+ +------+
- +--+ +------+
- ------+ | +------------ --------------+ | +
- +--+ +------+
- +--+ +-------------+
- ------------+ | +------ + | +
- +--+ +-------------+
- +--+ +---------------------------+
- ------------------+ | + + +
- +--+
- This is the set of functions for an 8-element 1-D Haar transform. You
- can probably see how to extend this to higher orders and higher dimensions
- yourself. This is dead easy to calculate, but it is not what is usually
- understood by a wavelet transform.
- If you look at the eight Haar functions you see we have four functions
- that code the highest resolution detail, two functions that code the
- coarser detail, one function that codes the coarser detail still, and the
- top function that codes the average value for the whole `image'.
- Haar function can be used to code images instead of the DFT. With bilevel
- images (such as text) the result can look better, and it is quicker to code.
- Flattish regions, textures, and soft edges in scanned images get a nasty
- `blocking' feel to them. This is obvious on hardcopy, but can be disguised on
- color CRTs by the effects of the shadow mask. The DCT gives more consistent
- results.
- This connects up with another bit of maths sometimes called Multispectral
- Image Analysis, sometimes called Image Pyramids.
- Suppose you want to produce a discretely sampled image from a continuous
- function. You would do this by effectively `scanning' the function using a
- sinc function [ sin(x)/x ] `aperture'. This was proved by Shannon in the
- `forties. You can do the same thing starting with a high resolution
- discretely sampled image. You can then get a whole set of images showing
- the edges at different resolutions by differencing the image at one
- resolution with another version at another resolution. If you have made this
- set of images properly they ought to all add together to give the original
- image.
- This is an expansion of data. Suppose you started off with a 1K*1K image.
- You now may have a 64*64 low resolution image plus difference images at 128*128
- 256*256, 512*512 and 1K*1K.
- Where has this extra data come from? If you look at the difference images you
- will see there is obviously some redundancy as most of the values are near
- zero. From the way we constructed the levels we know that locally the average
- must approach zero in all levels but the top. We could then construct a set of
- functions out of the sync functions at any level so that their total value
- at all higher levels is zero. This gives us an orthonormal set of basis
- functions for a transform. The transform resembles the Haar transform a bit,
- but has symmetric wave pulses that decay away continuously in either direction
- rather than square waves that cut off sharply. This transform is the
- wavelet transform ( got to the point at last!! ).
- These wavelet functions have been likened to the edge detecting functions
- believed to be present in the human retina.
- Loren I. Petrich <lip@s1.gov> adds that order 2 or 3 Daubechies
- discrete wavelet transforms have a speed comparable to DCT's, and
- usually achieve compression a factor of 2 better for the same image
- quality than the JPEG 8*8 DCT. (See item 25 in part 1 of this FAQ for
- references on fast DCT algorithms.)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: [73] What is the theoretical compression limit?
- There is no compressor that is guaranteed to compress all possible input
- files. If it compresses some files, then it must enlarge some others.
- This can be proven by a simple counting argument (see question 9).
- As an extreme example, the following algorithm achieves 100%
- compression for one special input file and enlarges all other files by
- only one bit:
- - if the input data is <insert your favorite one here>, output an empty file.
- - otherwise output one bit (zero or one) followed by the input data.
- The concept of theoretical compression limit is meaningful only
- if you have a model for your input data. See question 70 above
- for some examples of data models.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: [74] Introduction to JBIG
- Written by Mark Adler <madler@cco.caltech.edu>.
- JBIG losslessly compresses binary (one-bit/pixel) images. (The B stands
- for bi-level.) Basically it models the redundancy in the image as the
- correlations of the pixel currently being coded with a set of nearby
- pixels called the template. An example template might be the two
- pixels preceding this one on the same line, and the five pixels centered
- above this pixel on the previous line. Note that this choice only
- involves pixels that have already been seen from a scanner.
- The current pixel is then arithmetically coded based on the eight-bit
- (including the pixel being coded) state so formed. So there are (in this
- case) 256 contexts to be coded. The arithmetic coder and probability
- estimator for the contexts are actually IBM's (patented) Q-coder. The
- Q-coder uses low precision, rapidly adaptable (those two are related)
- probability estimation combined with a multiply-less arithmetic coder.
- The probability estimation is intimately tied to the interval calculations
- necessary for the arithmetic coding.
- JBIG actually goes beyond this and has adaptive templates, and probably
- some other bells and whistles I don't know about. You can find a
- description of the Q-coder as well as the ancestor of JBIG in the Nov 88
- issue of the IBM Journal of Research and Development. This is a very
- complete and well written set of five articles that describe the Q-coder
- and a bi-level image coder that uses the Q-coder.
- You can use JBIG on grey-scale or even color images by simply applying
- the algorithm one bit-plane at a time. You would want to recode the
- grey or color levels first though, so that adjacent levels differ in
- only one bit (called Gray-coding). I hear that this works well up to
- about six bits per pixel, beyond which JPEG's lossless mode works better.
- You need to use the Q-coder with JPEG also to get this performance.
- Actually no lossless mode works well beyond six bits per pixel, since
- those low bits tend to be noise, which doesn't compress at all.
- Anyway, the intent of JBIG is to replace the current, less effective
- group 3 and 4 fax algorithms.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: [99] Acknowledgments
- There are too many people to cite. Thanks to all people who directly
- or indirectly contributed to this FAQ.